3DR is a drone platform for the AEC industry, allowing companies to conduct automated drone flights of construction sites and data analysis. At 3DR, I was able to work on the most technically challenging problems of my career as a member of the web team working on SiteScan Manager.

My work involved improving the ways customers visualized, interacted, and augmented their data. Interaction involved adding support for grouped annotations, and project-level annotations. Visualization involved forking an existing Point Cloud Viewer (Potree) to allow user’s to view the flight data as a 3D model from our web tool. Another visualization tool I worked on was Photo Inspect, which gave users the ability to select a point in the 3D model and view all photos that contained that point. Data augmentation was another important tool, which involved allowing overlaying PDF files to the map so user’s could compare actual build progress to building plans. This involved designing a workflow for coordinate transformations from pixels to geographic coordinates. I also led the effort to make the website mobile friendly. This involved rethinking the user experience to be touch-friendly along with several optimizing performance. These optimizations involved speed of rendering different data layers, memory consumption and storage space (1 downsampled DEM file for a drone flight is more than 10 Mb).


I also refactored and developed new tools for user’s to be able to export and share their data with PDF’s. This involved creating a framework enabling the generation of responsive PDF’s of different page sizes, upsampling the map snapshots to ensure a high DPI, and developing the Volume Report Export, which automatically captured snapshots of a single volume annotation from all flights to compare.


I also improved the ability for Shared public maps which could be viewed by user’s without any credentials.

Another large technical challenge I participated in was the complete design overhaul of our tool, in conjunction with adding Organization support. This allowed me to participate in creating a Component Library using Storybook.


I also spend time working on SiteScan Admin, an internal web tool used by our Success Services Engineers to help onboard users, configure settings and troubleshoot any issues encountered by our users.